


Fabricante Elétrico


The old process used by the customer required several operations to complete the welding, making the production efficiency low. At the same time, the appearance of the welded surface was poor, and the investment in welding machines and equipment was large, resulting in high production costs.


To solve this problem, we use a high-power welding machine, which makes multiple busbars welded at one time, with a flat welding surface and uniform solder flow. At the same time, it can realize direct welding without adding brazing material.

●  Melhore a eficiência da produção, complete a soldagem de 7 fileiras femininas grandes de uma só vez, o mais rápido 60S/peça
Usando máquina de solda de alta potência sem soldagem por brasagem, pode-se obter economia de energia e redução de emissões, melhorar a eficiência e a qualidade.

 Flexible Copper Wire and Base In Conductive busbar

 Linha de produção personalizada


Get in touch with us
Just leave your email or phone number in the contact form so we can send you a free quote for our wide range of designs!

HERON, simplifique a soldagem


Pessoa de contato: Christina Liu
Tel: 86 20 87813325 / 86 20 87819588 / 86 20 87815075

Fax: 86 20 87813346

Número de correio:  info@heronwelder.com

Endereço: No.63 Xin Yi Road, cidade de Taiping, distrito de Conghua, Guangzhou China

HERON, simplifique a união
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