Automotive Assembly 


Automotive OEM 


An OEM customer experienced difficulties managing loose nuts due to unstable welding quality; Because of this, their existing production process required re-tapping and patch welding, resulting in low productive efficiency and need to purchase an increasing amount of  non-essential consumables, pre-occupying factory space.
To overcome this challenge, we introduced a medium-voltage capacitor discharge resistance welding process to ensure the quality of the nut welding, and a more compact design of the equipment body.
● Reduced material costs by more than 10%
More space in the plant for other production needs
        Finished Product: Body-in-White | Materials: Multi-Material
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Электронная почта:  info@heronwelder.com

Адрес: № 63 Xin Yi Road, город Тайпин, район Цунхуа, Гуанчжоу, Китай

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