
Crossing The Millennium——hard To Leave

Heron people are well aware of the glorious history of the welding process, so they also respect every work task in hand, just like Heron's equipment.

In the long history, countless crystal waves have been turned up, each one is the crystallization of human wisdom. When it comes to welding, most people seem to have the impression that it is a modern industrial technology, and the image that comes to mind is the sharp noise and sparks flying from the roadside. In fact, welding is an ancient craft with a long history, carrying a thousand years of cultural heritage. Welding is simply the process of joining two separate pieces of metal so tightly together that they cannot be separated. Welding technology in China can be traced back as far as the Bronze Age.

Shang Dynasty (3600 years ago)

As early as three thousand years ago in the Shang Dynasty, the prototype of welding technology was visible. This iron-edged bronze battle-axe uses the casting and welding process, forging a thin blade from meteorite iron and then casting the bronze shank, so that the two metals are joined together, and the sinuous fusion line between copper and iron is still visible on the surface.

Early Warring States period (2400 years ago)

The tomb of Zeng Houyi, a monarch of the Warring States period, unearthed a bronze pedestal for a Jiangu drum with a majestic coiled dragon on it. This ingenious bronze was not cast in one go, but was cast in sections and then welded together.

Ming Dynasty (400 years ago)

Written by Song Yingxing, a scientist of the Ming Dynasty, "Tian Gong Kai Wu" is the world's first comprehensive work on agricultural and handicraft production. Among them, the process of forging and welding large ship anchors is mentioned. Sifted old wall mud powder is sprinkled on the interface and hammered together with iron so that there is no gap in the interface.

Time came to the nineteenth century, the second industrial revolution occurred in the West, welding technology also began to step into a new era. In ancient times, craftsmen could only burn furnace fires as a heat source, and the energy was not concentrated enough to reach high temperatures and could not be applied to large welding areas. After the Industrial Revolution, the development of electricity led to the application of electrical energy in industry, building a higher platform for welding technology. Today one of the most widely used electric welding technology - resistance welding, it is at this stage came into being.

In 1856, the British physicist James Prescott Joule achieved the first molten welding of a bundle of copper wires using electrical resistance heating. In the following decades, the welding method of joining metals by resistance heating was gradually applied in industrial manufacturing.

Resistance welding, which refers to the use of the interfacial resistance that exists at the contact surfaces of different metal surfaces when they are in close proximity to each other, is used for welding. When the upper and lower electrodes, from both sides, are pressed firmly against the base metal plates that are to be joined together, and a high current is passed simultaneously, the interface between the two plates will generate great Joule heat, causing local melting and thus making the connection.


                                   Heron resistance welding equipment at work

Using the resistance welding method, no filler metal is required during welding, the process has little deformation of the welded parts, productivity is high, and it is relatively easier to automate among all welding technologies. It was because of these characteristics of resistance welding that General Motors, which owns brands such as Buick and Cadillac, used the first resistance welding robots in 1964. After this, more and more companies began using resistance welding equipment to complete the welding of workpieces. In the field of resistance welding, Heron has been sticking to it for more than 30 years.

When you walk into the welding workshop using Heron equipment, you can hardly hear the open and sharp noise. If visitors want to enjoy the dazzling rush of sparks and flashing splashes, they may be disappointed. Here, one can only listen to the crisp mechanical sound and watch the welding machine calmly and low-profilely, completing precise welding time after time.


                                                                  Heron equipment welding process

Knowing the glorious history of the welding process, Heron people also respect every work task in their hands, just like Heron's equipment, and make products that make them proud step by step.

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HERON, make welding simple


Contact Person: Christina Liu
Tel: 86 20 87813325 / 86 20 87819588 / 86 20 87815075

Fax: 86 20 87813346

Email: info@heronwelder.com

Address: No.63 Xin Yi Road, Taiping Town, Conghua District, Guangzhou China

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