Spot welding machine selection includes: brand, form, specification, price, etc.
First, you need to have your own budget and positioning. This is very important. How much money you plan to spend to solve a welding problem or meet a production need basically determines the direction of the choice. With this direction, no time or effort will be wasted in the selection process. Positioning and budgeting determine the scope of the model.
Next, define the welding requirements. In many cases, the customer does not know the inspection criteria of the product to be welded and cannot choose the type accurately! The requirements of welded parts are usually reflected in the following areas: weld strength (tension, torque, thrust, shear, etc.), appearance (distortion, discoloration) and welding efficiency.
In addition, the grid power capacity needs to be evaluated. Spot welders are usually high power, around 200 KVA per revolution. usually, first time users choosing a model are not aware of the possible inadequacy of their grid. Equipment returned to the factory will not be used or fully utilized for its revenue, resulting in a huge waste!
Finally, please be careful to leave a margin. This is an easy issue for customers to overlook. Because price is a consideration when selecting a model, the current product of the model selected is correct. When the welded parts are larger, it is found that the welding capacity is not enough and you have to spend money to update it. Buy a more powerful projection welder! On the face of it, the initial choice saved investment, but in the end it was a waste of money!