
Medium Frequency DC Diffusion Welder For Conductive Busbar

Medium Frequency DC Diffusion Welder For Conductive Busbar 1

Customer: Electrical Manufacturer

Industry Applications: Electrical Conductive Busbar

Application Materials: Copper & Copper


Customer Situation: The customer's existing process requires several operations to complete the welding, which leads to low production efficiency. Simultaneously, the welded surface has a poor appearance, and the large investment in welding equipment results in high production costs. 

Medium Frequency DC Diffusion Welder For Conductive Busbar 2

Heron Solution: To address the customer's issue, we employ a high-power welder, which welds multiple busbars at one time, creating a flat welding surface and uniform solder flow. Additionally, it can achieve direct welding without the need for additional brazing material. 


Economic Impact: Increase productivity up to 60s/piece.

Social Impact: Solve the issue of welding 7 large busbar grooves at once in the industry, using a high-power welder.

Environmental Impact: Adopting a braze-less joining process can achieve energy savings, improved efficiency and quality. 


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Contact Person: Christina Liu
Tel: 86 20 87813325 / 86 20 87819588 / 86 20 87815075

Fax: 86 20 87813346

Email: info@heronwelder.com

Address: No.63 Xin Yi Road, Taiping Town, Conghua District, Guangzhou China

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