In fact, the capacitor discharge welder is a DC resistance spot welder with a short discharge time of about 20ms and a discharge current that can range from a few hundred amps to hundreds of thousands of amps depending on the capacity of the welder. There are other forms of spot welders and welding capabilities available that offer very distinct advantages in multi-point bump welding, ring bump welding, spot welding of dissimilar metals, and more! However, many users in the welding industry have some prejudices about stored energy welding.
Misconception 1: The efficiency of the capacitor discharge spot welder is low.
It is generally believed that the capacitor discharge welder needs to wait a long time to charge the capacitor, so the welding efficiency will be very low. The charging time of capacitor discharge welder can be controlled within 2 seconds, and no more than 3 seconds for high power, which means that the capacitor is already charged when the parts are manually picked and placed ready to be welded! Therefore, the actual welding efficiency is close to or the same as an AC spot welder with the same welding capacity!
Misconception 2:The capacitor of the capacitor discharge spot welder is prone to explosion.
The control circuit of the capacitor discharge welder seems simple, but in fact it is difficult to be stable and reliable. Because the charging control technology is not fully mature, the charging current is not stable, and some small factories or manufacturers with immature technical capabilities produce capacitor discharge welder instantly too large, which will indeed lead to capacitor explosion. However, due to the well-designed control and protection circuit, the capacitor discharge welder produced by the regular manufacturers with mature technology basically does not have this situation. Another reason is that some brand manufacturers pursue low prices and will inevitably choose poor quality capacitors, which can also lead to the failure or explosion of a certain or batches of capacitors.
Misconception 3: The capacitor life of the capacitor discharge spot welder is low, and it will be replaced within two years.
In fact, the service life of the capacitor discharge spot welder is generally calculated by the number of times of charging and discharging, and capacitor manufacturers generally mark that the electrolytic capacitors begin to decay at 5 million times of charging and discharging, and the metal film capacitors begin to decay at 10 million times of charging and discharging. In reality, capacitor discharge welders with a service life of more than 10 years can be found everywhere!
Excluding the above concerns, the capacitor discharge welder is actually a very stable resistance welding equipment that can meet the welding requirements that other spot welders cannot. The fact that the capacitor discharge spot welder has been used in a variety of welding applications is proof of the superior and stable welding performance of the capacitor discharge spot welder!